Bill Levett
“The end of a busy season is upon us and, as is ever the case, it’s been a season of ups and downs. We’ve taken part at Rolex, Badminton, Burghley, Pau, and Blenheim to name a few of the world’s top three day events, with many good placings. The younger horses have also excelled, gaining in confidence throughout the season and learning their trade. The Novice horses stepped up to Intermediate with some strong placings in competitive CIC**s at several events including Somerford Park and Gatcombe International. I’ve been lucky enough to have very good results and have ended the season ranked in the top 20 riders on the British Eventing circuit – I owe this result to my horses, owners, sponsors and support team.
“Most importantly, we have ended the season with a team of sound and healthy horses and many standout performances. SUCCEED has helped play a big part in that. We’ve travelled many, many miles with the horses up and down the country and abroad on both trucks and a plane! And they’ve all travelled very well, arrived in top condition and been able to compete at their best. SUCCEED plays a big part in that as it keeps the horses’ guts healthy, helps with the effective absorption of feed, and appears to stimulate their appetites. Since feeding SUCCEED the horses don’t go off their feed, even when at peak fitness, which is most important when they are having to give of their best. So, in short, we couldn’t do without it.”

Bill Levett and Lassban Diamond Lift, Winner Int, Aston le Walls, July 2015. Photo: Fiona Scott Maxwell.
Lissa Green
“This has felt like a seriously long season – but a fab one. I am so pleased with how it has turned out. A lot of dreams were lived this year, and it’s all thanks to you and my amazing horses.
“I honestly can’t thank you enough for your support this year – it has meant the world to me and I am so looking forward to 2016. SUCCEED is the backbone to my horses well-being – I can’t tell you how comforting it is knowing they have this magic potion going into them. After all the challenges high-level competing puts them through, at least their insides are being looked after to the maximum.”
Denise Hallion
“This photo is of Wervelwind in the trot up at Perl CDI in Germany. He had travelled for 12 hours, and, thanks to SUCCEED, he no longer suffers from travel challenges! We have had a great season, mainly focusing on our training with Carl Hester. Internationally we have been averaging around 66% in the Grand Prix. We are training through the winter and will be competing nationally at BD winter shows.
“Ruby is going very well, and we will be competing at our first competition together at Adv Med. SUCCEED has transformed the well-being of my horses!”
Lizzie Brown
“We have had a bit of a building year and have just gone through a major ‘restructure’ of the horses – selling some and buying some new ones. “I had a great end to the season. We ran three horses at the Waregem Nations Cup event in Belgium in September. Princeton went in the CIC 3* and, at just 8 years old, jumped awesomely. His dressage is still weak at that level, and he finished in the top 20. Henton Attorney General placed 4th in the CIC2* and Cinque Terre was 15th in the CIC 1* – so all in all I was very pleased!
“Boekelo was our last big event and Princeton performed really well here, especially as he is so young! He jumped one of the fastest cross country rounds of the day over a course that caused heaps of trouble and, despite a couple of fences on the last day, it was a credible end to his first season at this level! “Thanks to SUCCEED our horses travelled out to Belgium and Holland on consecutive weekends and performed brilliantly, eating and drinking everything in sight both there and back!
Chris King
We are very sad to report that one of our longest serving members of Team SUCCEED is hanging up his eventing boots. Chris and Zanie King have been fantastic advocates of SUCCEED for many years, and their enthusiasm for the product has been invaluable. They will both remain avid supporters of SUCCEED and welcome any queries about their experience of using Succeed from fellow equestrians. We wish them every success for the future and convey our very greatest thanks.